About Us

Ctrl. is a fast growing young IT company with high ambitions. We aim to be the best partner for software development and CVS consultancy services.

Why Choose Us?

  • Working with latest technologies
  • Low level communication
  • We like partnerships
  • We deliver excellence
  • HTML, Angular, Blazor, C#.NET Core, SQL, Azure
  • Specialized in complex CSV matters


Let's meet!

Let's meet over a coffee and discuss about your ideas or project. Your vision is the foundation on which we will build your solution.


Specialized in CSV consultancy and Software engineering

Dedicated team

We take pride in setting up the team that best solves the challenges of our customers.

Software Solutions

We design, document and create software solutions


We are currently building our portfolio with new applications and initiatives


DocMan is a document mangement system where you can create dynamic blocks, variables and images.


EasyRes is a reservation system that can be used in all kinds of organizations. It's modular, simple and easily configured to your business needs.


Coming soon...